吴朝俊,1979年生,男,硕导。陕西省电源学会理事、IEEE会员,西安市科技局项目评审专家,《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《Chinese Physics B》、《IEEETransactions On Circuits And Systems II》和《International Journal of Electronics》等国际知名期刊审稿人。多年来一直从事新能源电力电子、非线性电路领域的教学、科研工作,主持或参与多项国家自然科学基金、陕西省科技厅、教育厅和水利厅科研项目的研究,发表学术论文30余篇,其中被SCI/EI检索收录20余篇。
1.Wu Chajun, ZhangQi, Yang NingningDynamical Analysis of a Fractional-Order Boost Converter with Fractional-Order Memristive Load.International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2022, 32(03)(SCI)
2.Wu Chajun, ZhangQi, Yang NingningDynamic Behaviors Analysis of a Novel Fractional-Order Chua’s Memristive Circuit.Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2019(SCI)
3.Wu Chaojun, Yang Ningning,Xu cheng. A Novel Generalized Memristor Based on Three-Phase Diode Bridge Rectifier. Complexity, 2019: 1084312.(SCI)
4. Wu Chajun, Zhang Yanbin, Yang Ningning, The synchronization of a fractional order hyperchaotic system based on passive control,Chinese Physics B,2011.6.01,20(6).(SCI)
5Wu Chaojun, Si Gangquan, Zhang Yanbin, Yang Ningning, The fractional-order state-space averaging modeling of the Buck Boost DC/DC converter in discontinuous conduction mode and the performance analysis,Nonlinear Dynamics,2015.1.01, 79(1):689~703. (SCI)
6. Wu Chaojun, Si Gangquan , Zhang Yanbin, Yang Ningning, Adaptive Inverse Optimal Control of a Novel Fractional-Order Four-Wing Hyperchaotic System with Uncertain Parameter and Circuitry Implementation,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015.01.01. (SCI)
7.Ningning Yang, Ni Liu, Chaojun Wu.Non-homogeneous Non-inductive Chaotic Circuit Based on Fractional-Order Active Generalized Memristor and its FPGA Implementation.Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2023(SCI)
8. Ningning Yang, Shuo Yang, Chaojun Wu.A novel fractional-order chaotic system and its synchronization circuit realization,Modern Physics Letters B,(2022) 2250114
9. Yang Ningning,Xu cheng,Wu Chaojun, Fractional-order cubic nonlinear flux-controlled memristor: theoretical analysis, numerical calculation and circuit simulation, Nonlinear Dynamics,2019(97):33–44. (SCI)
10. Yang Ningning, Wu Chaojun, Jia Rong, Liu Chongxin, Fractional-Order Terminal Sliding-Mode Control for Buck DC/DC Converter,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2016.01.01. (SCI)
11. Yang Ningning, Wu Chaojun, Jia Rong, Liu Chongxin, Modeling and Characteristics Analysis for a Buck-Boost Converter in Pseudo-Continuous Conduction Mode Based on Fractional Calculus,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2016.01.01. (SCI)
12.Ningning Yang, Yuchao Han, Chaojun Wu, Rong Jia, Chongxin Liu, Dynamic analysis and fractional-order adaptive sliding mode control for a novel fractional-order ferroresonance system, Chin. Phys. B, 2017, 26 (8): 080503. (SCI)
13.Yang, Ningning, Xu Cheng, Wu Chao Jun*, Jia Rong, Liu Chongxin, Modeling and Analysis of a Fractional-Order Generalized Memristor-Based Chaotic System and Circuit Implementation, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2017, 27(13)(SCI)
14. Yang Ningning, Liu Chongxin, Wu Chaojun, A hyperchaotic system stabilization via inverse optimal control and experimental research,Chinese Physics B,2010.10.01,19(10). (SCI)
15. Yang Ningning, Liu Chongxin, Wu Chaojun, Modeling and dynamics analysis of the fractional-order Buck-Boost converter in continuous conduction mode,Chinese Physics B,2012.8.01,21(8). (SCI)
19. Wu Chaojun, Yang Ningning, Xu cheng, Analysis of a novel 4D fractional-order ferromagnetic chaotic system, 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2017,Chongqing, China,2017.5.28-2017.5.30.
20. Wu Chaojun, Han Yuchao, Yang Ningning, Xu cheng, Modeling and fractional-order adaptive nonsingular terminal sliding mode control for fractional-order ferroresonance system, The 36th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2017,Dalian, China,2017.7.25-2017.7.28.
22. Wu Chaojun,Zhang Yanbin,Yang Ningning,Analysis of a novel four-wing hyperchaotic system from pseudo to real and circuit experimental research,2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISEEE 2014,Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan,2014.4.26-2014.4.28.
23. Wu Chaojun,Zhang Yanbin,Vector control of three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier based on fractional-order controller, 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2014,Changsha, China,2014.5.31-2014.6.2.